2GO OUT Consulting is a consulting company that provides specialized services integrating sustainability and innovation in its clients corporate strategy. We provide services in the areas of energy efficiency and energy management (ISO 50001), circular economy, smart cities and communities and low carbon strategies and solutions, including specialized services for attracting financing for projects in these areas. The company has a qualified team to support its customers in the planning and management of their innovation projects, including the submission of applications for financing lines such as the Horizon 2020, Interreg, Life, Environmental Fund, Portugal 2020 and EEA Grants Programs.
Currently, 2GO OUT Consulting integrates two European consortia that are developing innovation projects financed by the Horizon 2020 Program - SO WHAT (https://sowhatproject.eu) and CITYLOOPS (https://cityloops.eu/circularity-in-cities) projects. The first project focuses on energy (recovery of residual heat and creation of heat / cold networks), with a consortium of 20 partners from 9 countries, and the second in the area of circular economy (circular management of bio-waste), with a consortium of 28 partners from 8 countries.
We also highlight two other European innovation projects we are working at as external consultants, in the areas of smart cities (ATELIER, https://smartcity-atelier.eu) and circular economy (ECOBULK, www.ecobulk.eu).
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