
A SANJOTEC é um dos finalistas na categoria Best IncubatorAccelerator Program no âmbito da competição internacional South Europe Startup Awards


Este prémio vem reconhecer entidades referência na área do empreendedorismo no que concerne aos países do sul da Europa e, em última instância, credibilizará os maiores players a nível global.

STARTUP ZERO Launching Event


Decorreu no passado dia 12 de abril, pelas 14h30, o Workshop: “Inovação e empreendedorismo rumo a uma economia Circular”, numa iniciativa que marcou a apresentação do Projeto Startup Zero.

Visita Bosch




Sanjotec Startups Demo Night


Sanjotec will be the next incubator featured in Canopy Centro’s Demo Night online, on 9 February 2021 at 6pm. Come support some brave startups, and enjoy some networking!

Free Cloud computing services for Sanjotec Startups


Amazon Web Services provides startups with low cost, easy to use infrastructure needed to scale and grow any size business. AWS Activate is a program with resources designed to help startups get started on AWS. Join some of the fastest-growing startups in the world and build your business using AWS.

IPC em Portugal | Training Sessions Sanjotec 2020


Sanjotec has implemented, in collaboration with Finally Buzz, an IPC Training Classroom in Portugal to support the Electronics Industry and Sector in the areas of production, development and innovation.


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