Project designation | StartUp Zero
Project Code | POCI-03-33B5-FSE-072556
Support under the Incentive System | 01/SIAC/2020 - Support System for Collective Actions – Promotion of entrepreneurship
Main objective | OT 8 – Promote sustainability and quality of employment and support labor mobility
Intervention Region | North, Center and Alentejo
Approval Date | 23-02-2021
Start Date | 01-04-2021
Completion Date | 30-06-2023
Total Eligible Cost | 844.450,25€
Financial Support from the European Union | FSE – 717.782,72€
Beneficiary Entities:
BLC3 Association - Technology and Innovation Campus; Association
CECOLAB - Collaborative Laboratory Towards the Circular Economy;
SANJOTEC - Scientific and Technological Association
TAGUSVALLEY - Association for the Promotion and Development of the Tagus Valley Technopole
Sines Tecnopolo - Vasco da Gama Technology-Based Business Incubation Center Association
Objectives, activities and expected/achieved results:
StartUp Zero is an innovation and entrepreneurship project focused on the transition to the circular economy that combines the acceleration of circular business models by design to create market value, with the empowerment of consumers starting with young people from 3rd cycle.
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